Place of my break

“FROM THE PATIO my house is private” to “My hobby”, there is a distance it’s time to work in the spring. Everyone wants to have a nice terrace, a private garden or a flowered balcony, so that they can enjoy these spaces when the temperatures rise and the good weather arrives, but few realize that this is achieved when the plants are looked after in the spring.

This is a difficult thing to take in, because you always see them without flowers, without bugs, without spots and it is easy to think that they do not need any kind of attention. But nothing more false, it is over time to enrich them with floral fertilizers and carry out some preventive treatments that the plants will appreciate later. If you want to know exactly what care plants should receive, keep reading this article.

Late pests and diseases

Ar in spring the parasites are also reborn eagerly, they feed on the tender intestines and cause headaches, so preventive treatments are needed, so that they do not have to heal later. Humidity conditions and prolonged rise in high temperatures cause them to appear and make them more solid.

a most common pests they can affect the plants on your patio or balcony:

  • AphidsThe harmful insects are sucked up. One of the most common when the heat begins is aphids. Small green, black or yellow insects. They are located in flower buds and on the back of new leaves, absorbing plant sap. They release sticky honeysuckle, reproduce quickly, and if not removed quickly, inhibit flowering of the plant and inhibit its growth until death. The presence of ants is usually a clear sign because aphids are cultivated and protected.
  • A cochineal: this is another of the common parasites. They are pests in the form of small cotton shells that fill the stems and leaves and can kill the plant if they spread too much.
  • The white flight: this type of fly is very similar to the aphid but much smaller, white and winged. It also requires high temperature and humidity. It settles and lays its eggs on the underside of the leaves, where it beats and feeds on the sap, which deforms and hides the leaf.
  • Cheers: Boilers are another type of insect that causes pests. These eat plant tissue: leaves, flowers, buds and shoots. This type of sawdust, which attacks the leaves of over-fertilized plants and in a dry environment, leaves symmetrical bites.
  • The geranium butterfly: Within the same category, we must plant the butterfly geranium, not the one that eats the plant, but the worms that hatch from their eggs when they enter the stems which sink completely until they come out to the surface, more plump.

Special attention should also be paid molluscs acting on the ground and earth. Snails and slugs target the tenderest shoots and leave a mucous trail that is toxic to plants. Be careful, because there are some very small but harmful ones.


Although fungi are not insects, you must fight them as well. a powdery mildew is a fungus which settles on the leaf and ends up killing it, completely weakening the plant. It usually thrives when the temperature is high and the weather is dry. The leaves have white spots with small markers. It particularly attacks roses, pansies, dahlias …

a rust is another fungal disease resulting from excess water or humidity and heat, in the antenna area of ​​plants: leaves, stems, fruits and flowers. On the upper part (face of the leaf facing the horizon) there are few yellow spots associated with general discoloration on the leaf and on the underside (face facing the ground) a few brown, reddish or orange spots with a relief.

a ferric chlorosis is not a suitable fungus, but this is another of the problems that can be encountered when growing plants that need acidic soil to absorb the iron in it. This is the case with rhododendrons, azaleas, camellias or hydrangeas. If the disease does occur, try to acidify the soil and add iron-rich components and fertilizers to combat it.

Prevention is better than cure

At home it’s relatively easy control the evolution of plants and treat them in a practical way, with products that you can find in any nursery or plant store, where they will also know how to guide you.

In general, pests and fungal diseases are best treated application of a multi-purpose insecticide, systemic fungicide or broad spectrum fungi; but it is also specific to each type of pathology. You can prepare them already, incorporated in a sprayer or in small bottles with the included dispenser (they are cheaper in the long run), so you can add the above amount to your home sprayer water.

Of course, once the product has been applied, clean the container thoroughly rinse it with clean water and spray a little on the sink again, so that it does not hit your mouth and cannot be used next time. If you are already stuck, try soaking it in water for a while, it may solve the problem and work again.

How to fight against certain parasites

Precision, in case it affects you fight the geranium butterflyYou already know that what is really harmful is the worm that comes out of its eggs. Make sure the insecticide you buy has the design, not a butterfly, but caterpillars; Most importantly, spray the flowers and buds well, as this is where butterflies lay their eggs. Better every fortnight, but at least once a month.

For wasp saw fightIn addition to the specific insecticide, you will need to treat the soil around the plant. The butterfly infestation generally responds well to regular insecticides and flight sprays. Those associated with snails and slugs are eliminated by throwing suitable grains into the soil itself.

A relatively environmentally friendly option to kill certain parasites fumigate with a soapy solution composed of two tablespoons of soap flakes and two alcohols in a liter of water. You can also apply a lemon and detergent solution or water with a Fairy dishwasher (they say it works with this particular brand).

Anyway, I remind you of the convenience of preventive treatment, do not wait for disaster to happen, even if your plants look perfectly healthy, give them preventative treatment in the spring. This way you get a very safe patio, even if it gets wet like the others, and you make it your playground.