Find out how productive coffee waste can be

At the moment we want to save as much as possible, applying different recycling techniques and different ways of giving the same item two or more uses. Even coffee waste can be reusedEven though it is not for the same purpose, it can be used in various ways that can save you a lot of money.

With one of the most consumed drinks in the world, you can’t even the amount of coffee residue left by this tasty drink. Almost the entire population consumes coffee on a daily basis and not everyone has the opportunity to reuse coffee residues.

Use coffee residue for great benefits

It has always been known that coffee has a large number of benefits, so coffee residue can be used to continue their benefits. We regularly know that coffee has the ability to absorb bad smellsso you can leave the remaining coffee in the fridge and wait for it to do its job.

But the grainy consistency and the moisture that remains after use allow it to be an excellent natural exfoliant, avoid all types of allergies and leave a rich smell. With the coffee residues you can make a good exfoliating cream, combined with olive oil and a little salt. Being a solution for cellulite.

It is important to clarify that this coffee contains a wide range of nutrients works great for fertilized plantsSimply add the coffee residue to the pots and tie them to the ground, so that they attach and combine with the soil. Great benefit for plants by absorbing nutrients.

Do not throw away waste, reuse it and keep using it

One of the best uses for coffee waste is as a fertilizer, if you have the opportunity to have a small garden you can always sprinkle these residues and you will see how the plants grow, until you find beautiful plants. But in the same way, it acts as a repellant against various types of pests.

Its aroma is the main characteristic of coffee residue, this aroma also works as a flask, so you can rub the residue directly against your pet’s skin leave them for a few minutes, then bathe them in the usual way, in order to eliminate unpleasant odors and fleas as well.

It is also a great ally for the hair, pretending regain shine and strength, but if you add to it directly.