Learn how to put your fridge away when you clean it

For harmony in the home, many people start with something essential: the kitchen. How many times have you come to the supermarket to buy the food for the week and when you realize you haven’t lots of space in the fridge?

Those moments of total transgression, emptying the bags and realizing that nothing is right, may be forgotten if you follow the following advice on the letter. Enjoy your refrigerator and extend the shelf life of your food!

Cleanliness above all

Nothing is more important than neat in the kitchen, especially in the fridge.

To do this, you need to empty your fridge, remove the foods you have stored to serve them properly, as well as throw away damaged ones.

To clean the water, vinegar, and baking soda from the interior mixture, this will also disinfect.

If you have any type of dairy and / or meat products, it is recommended that you place them in a portable refrigerator while cleaning.

Warning! When cleaning, the refrigerator should be unplugged. To dry it, use a kitchen towel, or leave the doors open so that it is ventilated and the smell of food disappears.

Using the refrigerator door correctly

The part of the refrigerator that we use the most and therefore the part that poses the most problems.

Now, a good way to not waste so much time opening up trying to find things is to get everything in order.

Whether it’s sauces, dressings or drinks of all kinds, it’s in order of size. Of course, never put milk or other bulky foods in this space.

Store the vegetable bins

These drawers are very important at the time ordering food inside your refrigerator, since everyone is assigned to something. I wonder why, and that’s because the vegetables and the meat itself can create some sort of liquid that can contaminate any other food that’s nearby.

To avoid a major disaster with these foods, since many of them do not have a long shelf life (like tomatoes, onions or bananas), it is better to put them in a vegetable cart and thus save an important space.

In the case of meat or chicken, wrap them in a bag and store them above the refrigerator.