If you have a plant lover, or if you are just starting out, what we have to say today that you will enjoy. In fact, there are many options for planting in your garden and indoors. However, you don’t always remember it. At Vivir Hogar, we try from time to time to bet to tell you more about which plant species are most widely transported, or which ones have great advantages. And today it was the turn of the begonias.
a genus Begonia There are over 1500 species, the best known being: Begonia boliviensis, begonia rex, begonia corallina, begonia semperflorens, begonia elatior, begonia tuberhybrida … If you already have one at home, or do not have one, consider what they can look like in your house, I think what comes next cannot be lost. Today we find out all about begonias.
Types of Begonias
Although we have listed some of the most popular begonias on the market, I think it’s important to know the most common ones and some of the characteristics that define them:
Begonia rex
- It is a rhizotomatous plant native to India and its common names are: leaf begonia, royal begonia or royal begonia.
- The Begonia rex has large leaves with many colors and in the lower part of the leaves it is brown in color covered with small hairs.
- It is ideal for interior decoration
- They need moderate temperatures and a bit of sun but no direct sun
- You need to have them in well-drained pots, as they are prone to fungus attack.
- They multiply by leaf cuttings or by division of rhizome
Begonia boliviensis or Bolivian begonia
- The leaves of this begonia have jagged edges and can be green or bronze in color.
- It has pendulous flowers which can be white, red, or pink.
- Its flowers appear in spring and last until fall.
- They are used as houseplants in hanging pots
- To water them, it is better to wait until the soil dries out.
- To have longer flowers, you must remove the faded flowers
- It multiplies by division of the rhizome
Begonia semperflorens or sugar flower
- It is a small plant that blooms most of the year
- Its colors are white, pink or orange
- It can be planted in the garden in partial shade
- In winter you have to protect yourself from the cold
- Fertilizer is needed weekly to achieve longer flowering
Begonia elatior or Begonia flowers
- They are green plants with fleshy and hairy stems
- The most attractive flowers which can be yellow, orange, red, pink and white
- They bloom from spring to fall
- They can be used as indoor or outdoor plants
- They are delicate plants because they can catch fungi or become infected with mites or aphids.
- propagate by cuttings of tubers with germs
Begonia corallina or Begonia tamaya
- It is a gestating begonia with large fleshy leaves of bright green color and small white spots
- The flowers are pink and in the form of hanging clusters
- It is native to Mexico and is also called begonia maculata or bamboo begonia
- They are grown as houseplants in pots
- They need a lot of light but no direct sunlight
- It does not need a lot of water, it is better to wait for the soil to dry
- To keep it in better condition, it is better to remove the dried leaves
- It is propagated by stem cuttings
Begonia tuberhybrida or tuberous begonia
- They are perennials with reddish-green stems
- Its leaves have a saturated edge, a metallic green color and a heart-shaped shape.
- It is planted in pots and planters
- They don’t need a lot of water as they tend to rot
- The flowers have stiff stems of 10 or 12 centimeters and are yellow, white, red, pink or salmon.
- They need fertilizer every two weeks so that they have a long flowering
- They multiply in tubers with a few sprouts
- During the winter, it is best to dig up the tubers and store them in a cool, dry place
If you want begoniasNow that you see that there are a large number to choose according to your need, you have to hang them, climb them, flower them, its large leaves, inside, outside. You can also combine them with colors because you are spoiled for choice: white, red, pink and salmon …