
The Italian design brand Alcarol signs an exciting range of furniture integrated into the New Visions series. As indicated in the name of the collection, This series of pieces aims to offer a new vision of natural elements, as well as the aesthetic and decorative possibilities they can offer..

Each of the pieces is made with natural materials collected in different natural areas of the country of origin of the creators. South of the Dolomite Mountains, in the Venetian Lagoon, various materials cease to be part of the landscape and subsequently become highly decorated pieces of furniture that manage to incorporate a little nature into the interior of the city.

The key to Alcarol formulations is the treatment of the collected materials. Each piece is glued with resin to stably and faithfully preserve its natural characteristics and appearance. This system has three different designs that appear in the Alcarol catalog.

The designers aim to capture and successfully render the strange and varied atmospheres that develop in the places of origin of the materials used.. They are unique special places, spaces created by nature trapped in resin so that time stands still and the final cycle of the material’s life can be sustained indefinitely. Alcarol manages to breathe new life into these things by adding a long, long cycle to their entire journey..

Particularly striking is the Venetian canals dredging post side tables. The circular holes created naturally around the surface layers of the wood stand out beautifully and these are visible thanks to the cross section of the posts that reveal the inside of the sock on the wood surface of the desk.

Other visible parts are created from natural dolomite covered with lichen and moss resin who have accompanied them during their life in nature. They are also created protective edges for furniture in natural foam and the beauty derived from the biological function of wood-boring insects stands on the wood.

Track and image: Alcarol