Decorate your home with recycled plastic

It is very common to take to the streets and see how people are throwing garbage all over the place and have places everywhere to put it. Only with these actions they succeed in polluting our earth, more than it already is, and extinguish the beauty of the landscape, whether urban or natural.

And is plastic one of the most polluting waste that can exist? because it does not degrade easily.

In fact, some researchers point out that it will only take about five hundred years for a plastic bag to disappear. What we leave of course it’s a waste of many years of life, which pollute and endanger ecosystems, in particular the marine ecosystem.

Out of ignorance, plastic is the most common waste in many homes. We get it unintentionally even through the packaging and food packaging that we buy in supermarkets. Thanks to this, a small minority offered to teach the culture of recycling.

Efficient plastic recycling

Did you know that not all plastics are recyclable? It is absolutely true and it is a fact that few people know. Therefore, with the best of intentions, they usually throw in the yellow container, however much plastic you can get.

1 – Make small containers for your nightstand

During the holidays there are a lot of discarded plastic spoons, but you can use them to decorate a round container of plastic from food you bought at the supermarket and plan to throw away.

All you have to do is cut the spoons from the bottom and when you already have a certain size stick them around the container and then you can paint it, you will see how you will not recognize the original container either and you’ll have a place to keep some essentials on hand on your nightstand.

2 – Make a trash can or a floral cushion

If you have a large container of mineral water that is no longer suitable for you, you can use it as a wastepaper basket or flowerpot, all you have to do is cut out all of its top and see how well it is. will be useful to you. Start today and recycle plastic your way.

Plastic is actually a polluting material for the earth’s land, so it should not be thrown in the street without doing anything. And it’s in addition to plastic you can collect it and sell itPeople are interested in reusing this material, so if you’re not good at applying it yourself, give someone you know a chance to do it.