Don't let aphids attack your plants

When aphids fall on plants we are used to panicking. We are concerned about the ignorance of its behavior, its effects and how to prevent its spread. And of course, if this pest drinks the sap and nectar from the leaves and stems, weakening them, the tissues are destroyed and new shoots are born to become deformed. Thanks to this insect, the development of flowers slows down and the leaves wrinkle and turn yellow.

The worst thing about insect attacks is plants are infected with diseases. When it sucks, it infects the plant with fungi such as Seiridium cardinale and Cenangium ferruginosum, and with viruses such as cucurbits. In addition, its presence attracts other insects such as ants, because it leaves sweet waste after its passage.

How to currently attack aphids on plants

Aphids can be seen inside the leaves and on the buds. Its favorite victims are fruit trees, roses, poppies and conifers. They often multiply when plantations lack nutrients, are over-irrigated, or the temperature rises. Its natural predators are lacewings and ladybirds. It is therefore good to promote its appearance and avoid the use of powerful insecticides.

This small black, green or red animal can be eliminated with certain pesticides available at garden stores. These chemicals should be used in hot weather, in the morning or evening. Of course, you have to be very careful and use the right amounts, as there is a risk of negative impact on plants and the environment.

The same, there are effective ecological solutions. And, sometimes, if the impact is slight or incipient, it is enough to spray with a hose and a little pressure. There is also potassium soap which looks very good. It is used by diluting 20 milliliters in water and spraying the affected leaves and stems with a sprinkler. The process should be repeated every two weeks, three times.

Prevention is the key

Sometimes aphid and vegetation damage cannot be changed. It is therefore necessary to prevent its occurrence. The main thing will be to maintain your crops in the best possible conditions. If they are well fed and cared for, they are unlikely to get sick from these parasites.

Surpluses are not good either. The growth of too many fungi and viruses is caused by too much irrigation or irrigation of the soil. The same can happen if you overdo it with the amount of nitrogen. This element activates the excessive growth of bushes, making the stems more tender and juicy. The perfect dish for aphids.

Weeds act as a nest for insects. Therefore, clean pots, gardens and orchards. Herbs are a natural product that repels insects. Have containers with mint, rosemary, spearmint or lavender bars it can be effective as a repellent. It is not too much to educate you more about pests in the prevention and treatment of plants.